All about the outdoor kitchen

This separates the outer cooking of the kitchen of the kitchen is obviously the absence of a defined cooking zone. To deal with this, campers and backpackers have designed many specialty techniques and equipment to prepare food in open environments. These techniques were first associated with nomadic cultures around the world and have since been refined and developed by those who engage in exterior cooking for reasons of leisure.

The type of food cooked in the outdoors depends significantly on the purpose of the pursuit and location of the external kitchen site. While someone in a public campsite can easily access a grocery store and be able to prepare many various dishes, someone else on a prolonged trip to the back of the hinterland may need to improvise a little Plus to prepare a meal or depend on dried meats, vegetables and starchs such as Ramen, polenta and dried potato flakes. Those who enjoy all the outdoor adventure would also look forward to calling vegetables and wild fruits, not to mention fish and game.

The food camping must be very high in fat and carbohydrates to provide energy to camping activities. Hikers often wear chocolate bars, energy bars and even sports drinks. Another necessary part of each equipment of each hiker or each camper is water purification chemicals.

The most traditional cooking method at camping is by campfire. The food can be grilled (which among us did not appreciate the hot dogs and roasted smores on the campfire), cooking, cooking, cooking (also an extremely popular technique at the campsite), frying, Boiling and steam.

Another commonly used technique is food cooking in aluminum paper envelopes. Whole meals can be cooked in this way by placing sheet packets on or under hot coals. Tree leaves such as banana can also be used. These are respectful of the environment and do not ignite because they contain enough oil to withstand the heat of the flames. In addition, they can add a special flavor to the food that the leaf can not.

Long-distance truckers, automotive trailers and rally drivers have been known for baked on accessible sections of the vehicle engine. Another cooking means uses a volcanic lava to cook food wrapped in foliage.

Although outdoor cuisine undoubtedly brings its share of excitement, it is important to follow certain safety precautions so that the experience remains fun and does not become dangerous. Take mainly the cooking site away from the sleeping area. When you camp in nature, keep food away in places where animals can not get them.

Remember that the outdoors can be the greatest adventure of all time and some of the best memories of your life will probably be those related to the wonderful outdoor experience. So enjoy the connection with nature, but give it the respect it deserves!